Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ok, so I am really sorry I havent blogged in a month and a half. Lots going on, and really didnt think people were reading until I got yelled at by a few.

Our big boy is ALL over the place. He is rolling and rolling all over the house and his crib. We will wake up in the morning only to find him laying the opposite way in his crib. He is now so long, that when he gets turned around, he gets all scrunched up and mad that he got in that position! When he first rolled over, we didnt know the extent of his tumbling, and looked over and he rolled from the living room to the kitchen (and of course hitting his head on the linolium in the mean time). I cant believe how he changes from day to day. Not only his look but just seeing him start to "play" with toys instead of just looking at them or just holding them in his hand. Maddox's new favorite toy is the excersaucer that Grandma and Grandpa got him for Christmas. According to my coworker, they got him an "excersaucer on steroids" with all the toys it has on it. He will spend forever in it!!!

Maddox's eating habits have changed since the last time I blogged too. He is now eating cereal in the morning with the babysitter and than a serving of baby food in the evening. So far we have tried sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, and bananas. He of course loves them all (he will eat anything). I even tried making my own baby food this past Sunday and it turned out great!! I think I will be making all the baby food from now on. Sooooo easy!!!! I have also tried introducing the sippy cup to Maddox too recently, and he is still trying to catch on to that. Not the greatest. I am not sure if he is trying to adjust to sucking from the spout of the cup or if he is trying to get used to the cold water inside it. He drinks and drinks and then has to stop and gasp, maybe cough a couple of times, and then goes back to chugging away.

As for his health, he is doing really well!! Knock on wood!!! It seems that he always has a runny nose (never goes away) :) He has croup a couple of weeks ago, but is now over that.

His new thing is talking.....and talking.....and talking..... I think he likes the sound of his voice. The whole way to work and the whole way home from work (25-30 minutes each way) consists of a Maddox conversation. I dont even get in my radio time!!!!! Oh well, I think a Maddox conversation tops any music/morning show.

As for the rest of the family, we are doing well. I have to say that I have the best husband in the whole world. Jamie was looking forward for MONTHS to turkey hunting this past weekend. He was so excited that he took off Friday work and left for the Loess Hills on Thursday night to stay in a cabin all weekend with his friends. I got sick at work on Friday and Jamie volunteered to come home from his trip so he could take care of Maddox for me. I didnt want him to, but knew I was in no shape to take care of babes for the whole weekend. No matter what is going on, Jamie ALWAYS puts his family first. Maddox and I are so thankful we have such an amazing man in our life. We love you Daddy!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

We had an exciting weekend!!! Maddox had his first vacation. We went to Okoboji this weekend and hung out with Great Grandma and Grandpa Conrad, 2nd cousin's Devon and Baylie, Grandma Dawn, Grandpa Larry, Auntie Kelsey, Auntie Mandy, and cousin's Kale and Kenna. Maddox went swimming for the first time, and he LOVED it. We had to take advantage of it so we went twice. We didnt know how well he would do on the ride up and back because the futhest car ride he has ever had was 1 1/2 hours, and this was almost 3 1/2 hours. He slept the whole way there and the whole way back!! Everyone kept commenting on how they had never seen a baby smile as much as they see Maddox smile. Auntie Kelsey said he even smiles at the couch!! :) Maddox was fighting bronchiolitis this past week so we didnt know if we were going to make it up to Boji, but he ended up getting better and we are very happy he did. Maddox is finally not sick right now!!! (knock on wood) Here are some pictures from this weekend...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Maddox's cold is almost completely gone now, but we have something new going on now...Maddox is teething!! He has been pretty grouchy lately because of it!! Maddox cant get enough of eating his fists and trying to eat the nipple of his bottle. A tooth hasn't come through yet, but they are well on their way. From what I can see (he wont let me look very much), he is getting at least two teeth but we think maybe three teeth. I am so excited, but also very sad that he is already old enough to start getting teeth. My boy is growing so quickly!!! I will be monitoring his teeth and will keep everyone update as soon as he pops one through!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!! This year Jamie and I decided not to get gifts for each other...so what do I get....an AMAZING prime rib dinner that Jamie made for me. He cooked it all by himself!!! I think it was the best prime rib I have ever had!! We decided to stay home this whole weekend (since Maddox hasnt been feeling well), and I honestly think it was the best Valentines Day weekend ever. Maddox even let us eat our prime rib supper without any distractions...which is out of the ordinary :) I do not need a day out of the year for my husband to tell me he loves me and to get me gifts. I am lucky enough to have a husband who tells me he loves me more than once a day, gets me gifts and surprises all the time, and makes me feel like I am the most beautiful person in the whole world. I LOVE YOU JAMIE!!!! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life.

As for our babes...he seems to be feeling better, although he has his moments still, of course. Maddox is really starting to enjoy his "Bumbo" chair. I have posted some pictures of him in it. Next toy to grow into is his exersaucer he got from Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas. He seems to be growing so fast. He hasn't rolled over yet, but its only a matter of time. He seems to be getting close!!! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baby Maddox is sick for the first time. We took him to the pediatrican yesterday, and it turns out that he has a cold (snot everywhere!!!!), an ear infection, and an ingrown toenail. He has had a cold since Sunday. You can tell he is definitely not feeling well....he is a very crabby boy, and keeping Mommy and Daddy busy. He is on some antibiotics, so hopefully we can have happy Maddox back soon!!! It is killing me seeing him in such pain and discomfort. I think its worse on Mommy than it is on Maddox!! Two more days until the weekend, and am looking forward to taking care of my baby all weekend long!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It has been almost a week since Maddox has been to the physical therapist. His pediatrician thought he might have torticollis (he favors looking to the right) so we made an appointment to see a physical therapist. According to the PT, he has a mild case of torticollis. We have been doing some streches and things at home to help him look left more, and the results are amazing (although I dont think it was very bad to begin with). He is now looking left quite a bit more and I have noticed that when in his carseat on the way to the babysitters, he ALWAYS looks left. YAY!! Maddox is definitely his father's child...meaning that he always has something wrong with him. From having to be in the NICU at the hospital when born due to him not breathing when he was eating, bad case of jaundice, hernia surgery, acid reflux, and now torticollis...what else could be wrong with him!!! :) Everything else is going great though. Jamie and I had a date on Friday night while Grandma and Grandpa Sturm babysat and stayed over night on Friday night with us. It was very nice to get out and have some "Mommy/Daddy time". But of course, we were anxious to get back to our boy!! Anyways, I am just hoping Maddox and I will get snowed in this week!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I cant believe my baby is already about 3 months old (on Feb. 6th). Today, we took Maddox to Portrait Innovations to get his 3 month pictures taken. He did so well with smiling and laughing at the lady taking the pictures...we only had one episode where he got fussy so we just fed him a couple ounces of milk, changed his outfit for more pictures and he was good to go!
Maddox has had quite a few changes he has had to adjust to lately. I have gone back to work, so Maddox is having to adjust to a babysitter during the day and also kids being around him at the babysitters. His first day was Jan. 21st. He is having a hard time playing on his own (we have spoiled him a bit so he wants to be held or talked to ALL the time). He is definitely making strides, but still has a ways to go with trying to entertain himself. We have also had some issues with his eating. He would scream after eating, so our pediatrican says he has acid reflux. After being on this medicine for a week now, he is doing AMAZING. He is back to being our happy baby boy!! Maddox is also trying to adjust to his new room. In the last week, we have begun to move Maddox from our bedside (the bassinett) to his room. Thankfully though, he loves his crib!!
As for Jamie and I...we truly are thankful for Maddox coming into our lives. He is everything we could have asked for. Maddox has really made me appreciate Jamie even more. He is such a good daddy and husband. I am truly lucky to have such an amazing family.